Quest: Queens University of Charlotte
Undergraduate Research Journal
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What fields of research are accepted for publication in the Quest journal?
All disciplines are accepted for publication in Quest. We do, however, have a focus on qualitative, quantitative, and rhetorical research with explicitly designated methods and methodologies.
When will my paper be published?
Quest is published in the spring semester and will be available on the webpage titled "Journals" tab.
How can I be a part of QUEST Journal?
The Quest Editorial board and members are undergraduate students enrolled in the supporting course. (Currently known as ENG 318. Speak to your advisor about registering for the course.)
Do I have to attend Queens to be published?
Currently, we are only accepting research from undergraduate students at Queens. If you have co-authored a project with someone who is not a student at Queens, please reach out to for options.
What if I already graduated?
That's okay! As long as you did the research while an undergraduate, you can submit it to QUEST up to a year after you've graduated.
What if I have never submitted for publication?
No need to worry! Our editorial board is happy to help with any questions you or your faculty mentor may have. Additionally, there are writing tutors at the Writing Center who are trained to help you get your manuscript ready.
What citation style should I use?
Submissions should follow the 7th edition of the APA style guide. Other submission guidelines can be found under the "Submissions" tab.
Where should I go if I need help editing my paper?
Coaches are available in the writing center to help with all of your editing and grammar needs. Follow this link to sign up for an appointment or stop by the Michael Murphy Learning Studio in Knight-Crane for a walk-in appointment.